The JEANTET family, which is comprised of three main branches, (Franche-Comté of eastern France, Aosta Valley of Italy, and Bordeaux region of western France) , most likely originated in the Franche-Comté, just west of Geneva, Switzerland. There are some Jeantets in the Americas, with a total of perhaps fewer than 100 households bearing the name in all of North America. The JEANTET family name, found as early as the Middle Ages, is relatively rare.

These web pages have as a goal to allow JEANTET family members from around the world to contribute their family tree and history, so that we may make sense of the family's course through the centuries. All Jeantets are invited to contact the webauthor, who will work with other "cousins" to establish an all-encompassing family tree that will allow us all to learn more about our history.

The results of this research will be posted on this web site. Perhaps, in the not-too-distant future, can we organize an international JEANTET family get-together . . .

It is thanks to the internet that we will be able to communicate with each other, whether we be in France, Switzerland, Italy, or the Americas. Please come and visit these pages from time to time, to share with your distant cousins what you may know about our common history. And please, please, don't hesitate to write!

---Robert Fields Jeantet


Savoie Homepage

---latest update April 5 2004---