Photos of the 60s
by Robert Jeantet

(for now, only these small thumbnails...)

Peace March, NYC 1968

Justice William O Douglas

Author James Baldwin

Eugene McCarthy, 1968

Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia!

Beat poet Allen Ginsberg

Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer & Robert Lowell

French actor Yves Montand

Tricky Dick himself!

Student burning his draft card

Folk singer Phil Ochs

 William F. Buckley Jr.

Journalist Jimmy Breslin

Remember Mayor Lindsay?

Folk singer Pete Seeger

Bluegrass virtuoso Doc Watson

Greek activist Melina Mercouri
Hippies in Central Park

Dick Gregory

Pictures of the Seventies will be posted here too sometime when I have the time to find and scan the negatives...

Feeling old yet?

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Page and images © 1995, 2000 by Robert F. Jeantet
End of the CV page - last updated feb 28 2000