The archeological museum in the French alpine city of Faverges needed a web page to publicize its collection and visiting hours. Photographs and videos provided the necessary images; links to associated sites (the Gallo-Roman archeological digs from which much of the museum's collection comes, the page of the host city of Faverges, among others) are included in the page which is now listed in the Library of Congress and leading Roman Archeology websites around the world. The page was originally posted in French, but like most of the pages on my "Serveur Savoie" it is now available in both French and English. This pro bono page was also featured in French newspaper and magazine articles in 1996 and 1997, most recently in "Télé 7 Jours" and "Actives".

This is the third "edition" of my department's web page at the University of Akron; I have kept the home page deliberately simple so that all basic information may be conveyed within a single, non-scrolling screen. I have upgraded some of the content as well as totally remodeled the page setup, creating new graphics for every page. The background graphic is Brueghel's Tower of Babel, which seemed appropriate for a department of modern languages! Other departments on campus are following our lead and instituting sites with similar content.

This site was notably linked to the 1997 Faverges Program updates that I posted every few days during a study abroad trip with a group of students in France.

Here's a "pro bono" site done for a nearby high school. The colors, not my own choice, are the high school team colors... I have seen worse.

The high school's computer club students eagerly took to the project and were to update the page, which they did with diminishing enthusiasm as the year wore on. Their disinterest grew even stronger as the county schools' server failed to post the pages and was more often off-line than on. Such are the problems of precursors!

My department's language audio and computer lab needed a set of pages when we discovered that the previous lab director, upon departure, erased all of the files she had produced for us. I suppose she was in some way miffed with the Department, though her departure was voluntary and quite unexpected. Anyway, I designed a new site and homepage, integrating two large graphics in which image maps are embedded. This is a non-typical site in that large graphics are normally a bad idea, but in this case are used straight off a network and thus load quite quickly. And quite frankly, these JPG files load pretty fast even through a 28,8 modem, as I have found out when viewing the site from home.

Here's the website I created for the neighboring city of Tallmadge, Ohio. The city administrator and I studied a number of city sites on the web before agreeing on the final design. I feel we came up with the best site of its kind: quick to load, elegant, informative and to the point, the Tallmadge site should be a paradygm of web site construction. It contains no bells & whistles, but its clean "look" and structural clarity make it stand out.


Here's a site, created for the Minnesota World Trade Association. The site is still being developped as the Association's committee draws up requirements which I receive by e-mail and then implement. This site will eventually have a number of interactive features, including password-protected pages, membership forms, and still other characteristics not yet fully defined. It's an interesting experiment which shows that it is possible to do this type of work from a distance, without ever meeting the client face to face!

Here's my first new site for 1999. Pro bono. Friends having asked me to create a few pages for the French Federation of Archeology, I put together a few sets of English and French-language pages which allow me to display a few of the photographs I took on archeological digs in years past.

In the future, the site should become a rendez-vous point for amateur and professional archeologists: I hope to be able to post information about digs seeking volunteers (in France) provided that my French correspondents can figure out the complexities of e-mail on a Mac...

Second new site, for 1999, it is a completely remodeled look for the Abbaye de Talloires hotel. I created graphics for the site and illustrated it with IPIX images: it is the very first site in Europe illustrated in this way, a European premiere!

There are still some details to finish up, most specifically some additional text to insert once the management of the hotel provides me with some... not to mention the German-language pages which, for now, are quite empty!

If you want a website, let me design one for you!

Page and images ©1999 by Robert F. Jeantet
latest update Apr 19 1999